Monday, April 11, 2011

Seperation Anxiety

So today our puppy Dexter (1 year old Pug/Rat Terrier/ Chihuahua) is getting fixed. He will now have to wear that little cone/lampshade thing on his head to keep him from pulling out the stitches.....really? A lampshade? In this day and age THAT is the best we can do? I mean don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next person but, and I'm sure the male audience would agree, this little guy has been through enough! He already suffered from seperation anxiety and now he's been permanently seperated from his....manhood. These are the moments when you come home from a loooong day at the office ready to collapse, throw your coat on the rack, and think, "how could this day have been any worse?" It's then you notice the puppy with the cone/lampshade on his head.


  1. you should put a picture up and further his embarrassment :)

  2. I can't wait to see his face when he logs into his puppy FB page! What a nerd. :)
