So on Sunday our incredible Young Adults family came together and put on a service for the church that was both fun and impacting. We are so proud of them and their willingness to stretch the limits when Jesus tells them to. My wife Jo gave a heartfelt message on the veil of the temple and how its tearing was also symbolic of Jesus' "tearing" to make a way for us. The end result of the message (besides leaking eyes and one proud Hubby) was the realization that God isn't "found" in a building. If you have truly given your life to Him, He is IN you and WITH you AT ALL TIMES. It is something so profound if we can only grasp it! Little did we know how soon we would be tested in this.
Yesterday, the day after the service, we decided to go to Hot Yoga in Federal Way. We did it a few times before with some friends of ours and it was an incredible workout. For those who do not know what Hot Yoga is allow me to explain. Ahem...Hell on earth. It is a room that is well over 100 degrees (on purpose) and basically you do yoga stretches for 60 min. Now before you judge me as a "wuss" let me also say that the last time I was in the class the Detroit Piston point guard Rodney Stuckey was in there too. We chatted for a second and he admitted it was harder than anything he's done before. This is a professional athlete! Even the Seattle Seahawks do this and have a tough time.....and considering their record the last few years maaaaybe more time on the practice field and less time in the yoga studio? lol You were thinking it too.
Anyway, back to the story. We went to see if we could do this 10 for 10 special ($10 for 10 sessions) they had going on. This is the same special we did a year ago and were hoping we could just do it again since it had been so long. To try and make a long story short, we found out just before we got in line that the special was a one time thing. Bummer. So then the thought came to our heads,"Why not just pay in cash? They have our names on the computer but if we pay in cash they'll never know!" So we got in line. Waited. Waited. When we got to the front of the line the yoga dude says the words...."Hi, welcome. Is this your first ime here?" Instantly I felt it. I could tell Jo did too. 10 free hot yoga classes ooooor WILLINGLY hurt God and make ourselves hypocrites literally one day after leading a church service themed around Jesus always being in us. How pathetic right? ONE DAY!?! What a sad truth to admit but we struggled with being honest 24 hours later.
But, I'm happy to say, we were honest. Jo looked back at the man after a slight pause and said,"No actually....we've been here before. A long time ago but we've been here before." I'd love to tell you that the guy just gave us a free pass and we walked into the yoga room praising God. Nope, we had to pay for the class. But we went into that class knowing that we made Jesus smile because we listened to Him over ourselves. Oh I'm sure we'll stumble in the future at times. Afterall, we are human. But in a life filled with little battles we won this one. Even though that cashier/yoga dude probably will never know the little battle that took place before him, the important thing is we did. And more importantly Jesus was right in the middle of it all.
Yesterday, the day after the service, we decided to go to Hot Yoga in Federal Way. We did it a few times before with some friends of ours and it was an incredible workout. For those who do not know what Hot Yoga is allow me to explain. Ahem...Hell on earth. It is a room that is well over 100 degrees (on purpose) and basically you do yoga stretches for 60 min. Now before you judge me as a "wuss" let me also say that the last time I was in the class the Detroit Piston point guard Rodney Stuckey was in there too. We chatted for a second and he admitted it was harder than anything he's done before. This is a professional athlete! Even the Seattle Seahawks do this and have a tough time.....and considering their record the last few years maaaaybe more time on the practice field and less time in the yoga studio? lol You were thinking it too.
Anyway, back to the story. We went to see if we could do this 10 for 10 special ($10 for 10 sessions) they had going on. This is the same special we did a year ago and were hoping we could just do it again since it had been so long. To try and make a long story short, we found out just before we got in line that the special was a one time thing. Bummer. So then the thought came to our heads,"Why not just pay in cash? They have our names on the computer but if we pay in cash they'll never know!" So we got in line. Waited. Waited. When we got to the front of the line the yoga dude says the words...."Hi, welcome. Is this your first ime here?" Instantly I felt it. I could tell Jo did too. 10 free hot yoga classes ooooor WILLINGLY hurt God and make ourselves hypocrites literally one day after leading a church service themed around Jesus always being in us. How pathetic right? ONE DAY!?! What a sad truth to admit but we struggled with being honest 24 hours later.
But, I'm happy to say, we were honest. Jo looked back at the man after a slight pause and said,"No actually....we've been here before. A long time ago but we've been here before." I'd love to tell you that the guy just gave us a free pass and we walked into the yoga room praising God. Nope, we had to pay for the class. But we went into that class knowing that we made Jesus smile because we listened to Him over ourselves. Oh I'm sure we'll stumble in the future at times. Afterall, we are human. But in a life filled with little battles we won this one. Even though that cashier/yoga dude probably will never know the little battle that took place before him, the important thing is we did. And more importantly Jesus was right in the middle of it all.